

> 唔得唔得 我就黎累到出事 今日差半步就落左向上的電梯 真係怯左一怯 要眠一眠先可以

> 巴士上zzz時一係個頭撞玻璃 一係就訓o係旁邊位乘客身上 真係唔多好意思

> 要轉台搵個有data service的plan 不過又好似出機咁會抵d 但係我部手提又無事又無壞

> 樓下個攝影展都仲未有時間睇 睇下聽日睇唔睇到

> 就黎放假 聽日交埋分野 可以安心休息一下

> 今日早餐食得太少 做做野時肚餓 唔得 聽日要食多d先可以

> 我計劃下點玩先得 (如果我記得計劃)

> "Your key planet Mercury is keeping you busy analyzing your insecurities, but your logic can run into walls today as wounded Chiron enters the picture. However, your emotions may be integrated into your overall game plan now. Your friends are likely to respond warmly if you share what's on your mind, but they may be reflecting your current eagerness for affection. Make the most of the positive Venus-Mars aspect by connecting with friends and family, but don't expect too much in return."

