

>from a fd's status:

>"just because i know how important money is, i don't mind spending it on you." 嘩 點呀 玩晒啦  呢個係除左love poem同埋80分100%同100分80%之外最shocked 我無野好講

>見番小朋友時就想番起之前早午晚三餐食完日日沿住河邊行行行行的日子 我想去旅行呀呀呀呀呀

>今年佢地都遇到唔少困難 次次見番advisors都會有d激動 如果當時無佢無限backup我估我一早崩潰都似!

>大佬個三點"..." ... =_=



every time i realize how troublesome i am, i would be more thankful for everything you did for me. and i will live well, and spoil myself more, as much as you did.

Romantic mistakes

The most interesting part is that, i read two quotes of 2 geniuses coincidentally on the same day.

"If your head tells you one thing, and your heart tells you another, before you do anything, you should first decide whether you have a better head or a better heart"- Marilyn vos Savant

>ok, that means i should use my brain first?

“Don't let your brain interfere with your heart."-Albert Einstein

>oh dear, it can't, it's defeated now.