終於諗好2013 resolutions 諗到再加
- savour ( sometimes la...)
- 每個月最多出2個唔想出ge gathering ( attended quite a lot of gatherings indeed)
- 每月at least一次Breakfast Buffet [ breakfast club backfires, but I will try, btw i have achieve this target in Jan, applause please :P ] ( will try more in 2014...)
- 每2個星期都做下運動 唔好浪費張gym card ( really too busy and too tired)
- contact one old friend every week ( meet quite a lot of new fds, occasion gathering with old friends)
- 學下新野, maybe speed reading (tbc) ( can my school work counted?)
- 今年學煮一味 (i know how to eat...)
- Keep 住2012應該要做d野, 再finetune下
- 11點前訓 ( 嘿嘿嘿)
- 一個月搵2日做自閉仔 比下時間自己 (try more in 2014)
- 斷下食 (...)
- 記得食supplement (真係唔記得)
- 每日都要做一件同平日唔同的事 我唔要做機械人 (hi)
- 努力賺錢 努力花錢 努力儲錢 (as usual)
- 時時快樂 (i am quite happy most of the time)