
Everyday :)

I just ask my colleague to take a photo of me, with the CO2 smoke behind, pretending to be a fairy, like what i did when i was a kid. One of the happiest moments recently, i need higher dose of happiness, indulgence, and moliu-ness.

(A) Quote(s) a day

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” 
 Vincent van Gogh

101 Ways to Feel Happy on a Daily Basis

Here’s the most important stuff you need to do to live in the moment and feel happier every day in one quick list:

1.          Smile.
2.          Connect with nature.
3.          Surround yourself with positive people in person or online.
4.          Do something you’ve always enjoyed.
5.          Do something you’ve never done before but have always wanted to try.
6.          Learn something new.
7.          Smell something that makes you happy: a mandarin, your lover’s perfume, chocolate, you decide.
8.          Reward yourself for your good habits.
9.          Eat something that makes you happy, but not too much if it’s fattening.
10.      Spend time with a good friend.
11.      Touch something that makes you happy: a cat, velvet, the bark of a tree? Take time to notice.
12.      Don’t worry now, worry later.
13.      Say, or sing, something that makes you happy.
14.      Challenge yourself, I dare you.
15.      Look at something that makes you happy.
16.      Stop procrastinating, do something.
17.      Take a small step towards your goal.
18.      Congratulate yourself.
19.      Tell someone you love them.
20.      Do a good deed.
21.      Face your fears.
22.      Read a book you love.
23.      Get outside.
24.      Spend time with inspiring people or read about someone who inspires you.
25.      Clear out your junk, literally.
26.      Let go of negative memories.
27.      Dwell on positive things from your past.
28.      Be creative.
29.      Dare yourself to do something.
30.      Give someone an unexpected gift.
31.      Change your habits just this once, do something unexpected.
32.      Watch the sunset.
33.      Get up for sunrise.
34.      Open a savings account.
35.      Be active.
36.      Plan for success.
37.      Eat something healthy.
38.      Trust your instincts.
39.      Follow your passion.
40.      Throw a party, or plan to soon.
41.      Avoid drama queens and energy suckers, you know who they are.
42.      Write stuff down, keep a diary.
43.      Set a goal.
44.      Clean your house, bit by bit.
45.      Say “no”.
46.      Spend a day alone.
47.      Devote a day to family.
48.      Pick up the phone and call someone you haven’t spoken to for a while.
49.      Wear your favourite outfit.
50.      Be present.
51.      Go for a bike ride.
52.      Do something you loved as a kid that you haven’t done for years.
53.      Forgive someone, especially yourself.
54.      Go slow.
55.      Have a meal somewhere different: try a picnic.
56.      Avoid advertisements.
57.      Pick a bunch of flowers and put them in your house.
58.      Ban all media for the day.
59.      Let something slide.
60.      Display a colorful fruit bowl and eat one or two pieces a day.
61.      Be romantic.
62.      Play a game: try Uno or Monopoly with the kids and chess or poker with your friends.
63.      Make a smoothie.
64.      Have a siesta.
65.      Do something you’ve been putting off.
66.      Dream big.
67.      Start small.
68.      Seek out supportive and like-minded people.
69.      Understand that all things come to an end.
70.      Feed the ducks.
71.      Persevere: pick up something you gave up on.
72.      Start a new habit, a good one.
73.      Look at yourself in the mirror, pick what you like best and flaunt it.
74.      Seek sensuous activities and enjoy them.
75.      Look around for funny things and have a laugh.
76.      Rest up.
77.      Change your routine.
78.      Take a photo, and look back at old ones.
79.      Stretch your body.
80.      Meditate.
81.      Write a mantra.
82.      Focus.
83.      Don’t buy something — and see if you miss it. Put the cash in a savings account instead.
84.      Notice what makes you happy and use it in sad times.
85.      Ignore people who annoy you, stop being with them.
86.      Play hide and seek with some kids.
87.      Put a picture of something you want on your wall.
88.      Tell someone your dreams.
89.      Love yourself.
90.      Be grateful.
91.      Visualise.
92.      Unblock.
93.      Use your brain: try a crossword or sudoku.
94.      Make a good choice.
95.      Acknowledge your feelings.
96.      Go on a journey, long or short.
97.      Talk to someone you wouldn’t normally connect with.
98.      Be grateful for life.
99.      Write a poem.
100.  Teach someone something you know well.
101.  Choose to be happy every day.

(A) Quote(s) a day

This life is what you make it. Not matter what, you’re going to mess up sometimes, it’s a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you’re going to mess it up.

Girls will be your friends - they’ll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they’re your true best friends. Don’t let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world.

As for lovers, well, they’ll come and go too. And babe, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can’t give up because if you give up, you’ll never find your soul mate. You’ll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don’t, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.

― Marilyn Monroe

Cute twins


Mum: 你不如拍下散拖啦

Me:  下?!

Mum:  你揾下d 朋友仔行下街食下飯都好

Me:  呢d 邊係叫拍散拖


Mum:  你放心好啦 出年會忙到你嘔

Me:  點解呀

Mum:  本運程書話我地出年行好運 仲係桃花運 到時有排你忙


Mum:  做人唔可以咁無要求 如果咩都無所謂 你周街係咁意揾個人都得啦
