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Your Birth Chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:
Tropical Placidus
Standard time
GMT: 12:00:00 Time Zone: -0 hours East
Planet | Deg | Sign | Min |
Sun | 7º | Virgo | 19' |
Mercury | 29º | Virgo | 29' |
Venus | 21º | Cancer | 44' |
Mars | 11º | Aries | 23' |
Jupiter | 5º | Gemini | 06' |
Saturn | 25º | Sagittarius | 55' |
Uranus | 27º | Sagittarius | 03' |
Neptune | 7º | Capricorn | 31' |
Pluto | 10º | Scorpio | 15' |
Tropical Placidus
Standard time
GMT: 12:00:00 Time Zone: -0 hours East
This chapter analyzes the relationship between the Sun and Jupiter in your chart to provide you with useful perspectives on ways you can invite luck into your life and improve your fortune.
About Sun and Jupiter: What they mean
Your Sun sign describes your purpose in life and your capacity for creativity. The Sun represents your heart, your essence and your engine, the radiant center of your self as you express it in the world. Not only is the Sun the source of light and life on planet Earth, it is also the wellspring of vitality in your horoscope. Considered the luckiest of all the planets, jovial Jupiter graces us with vision, presenting a better future and hope that we can reach it. Jupiter is larger than all the rest of the planets combined. With its 18 satellites in tow, it protects Earth from asteroids and comets by pulling them into its own enormous gravitational field. In this way, it is truly a protector to our planet and us as well. In your chart, Jupiter assists in your life journey with wisdom, perspective and opportunity. The planet of expansion, optimism and good luck, it was called the "Greater Benefic" in ancient astrology.
How You Can Find Good Fortune
Jupiter enlarges your view of the world and enables the Sun to shine its brightest, bringing the good fortune that enables you to reach your highest potential. Of your many roads to emotional prosperity, the path lit by your Sun and Jupiter could be your brightest. Here is your prescription for finding good fortune based on the signs of the Sun and Jupiter in your chart.
shan's Sun is in Virgo and Jupiter is in Gemini
In terms of your ability to manifest abundance, your mind is open to a vast field of creative possibilities. Your gift is selecting the one idea that can yield the greatest profit. When you've made that choice, you have everything you need to achieve financial success.
Even when other plans, people and information threaten to distract you, it's your ability to stay the course that makes you the fastest driver in the field. What sets you apart is that you're flexible. Instead of sticking to a rigid plan that's not working as well as you'd like, you're able to easily adapt to changing conditions. In fact, you make your best decisions when there's a sudden shift in the atmosphere.
It's this ability to change directions, strategies or tactics without losing sight of your target that enables you to generate wealth.
Even when other plans, people and information threaten to distract you, it's your ability to stay the course that makes you the fastest driver in the field. What sets you apart is that you're flexible. Instead of sticking to a rigid plan that's not working as well as you'd like, you're able to easily adapt to changing conditions. In fact, you make your best decisions when there's a sudden shift in the atmosphere.
It's this ability to change directions, strategies or tactics without losing sight of your target that enables you to generate wealth.
This chapter explores the relationship between Neptune and Mercury to provide you with insights on how you can convert psychic impressions into usable information.
About Neptune and Mercury: What they mean
Psychic Neptune is the planet of collective consciousness, the dreamlike land where limits are left behind. Neptune is a slow-moving planet that takes about 14 years to transit through just one of the 12 signs of the zodiac. It is the ruler of boundless seas, the waters that connect all things, real and imagined, the planet without limits. Since it is the planet of dissolving boundaries or barriers, it can describe ways in which we connect to collective consciousness and gain access to information beyond our own direct experience, much like a psychic would.Objective Mercury provides us with the detachment needed to see something as it truly is rather than as we'd like it to be. Mercury, the messenger planet, zips around the Sun. It is the closest consort of our great central star, its intellectual intermediary. With its narrow lens, it focuses on small details and pertinent facts, helping us categorize information in sensible, straightforward ways that facilitate future reference.
How to Develop Your Intuition and Psychic Abilities
The relationship between Mercury and Neptune in your chart describes how you handle the relationship between fact and fantasy. Intuitive and psychic abilities come from connecting the two so that information from the collective unconscious (Neptune) can be reported and applied (Mercury) back here on Earth. Here's what the combination of Mercury and Neptune in your birth chart suggests for enhancing your intuition and psychic abilities.
shan's Neptune is in Capricorn and Mercury is in Virgo
You are most intuitive when you're engaged in work or service. Directing your energy toward worthy causes helps you glean information that can't be perceived by the naked eye. Conversely, when you're doing work out of a sense of obligation, you miss valuable clues that can make life more pleasurable.
The best way to develop your sixth sense is by finding an activity that makes you feel useful, valued and productive. Whether this means working for an animal shelter or making a monthly donation to your favorite charity is up to you. The important thing is to put your resources toward a cause that resonates with your spirit. The more you do this, the more perceptive you will become.
Your Neptune in Capricorn demands that your efforts are fairly compensated on a spiritual level. When they are, you're able to find ways of helping the world that are inventive, powerful and effective. Remember that you are a precious resource, because you use your sixth sense for the betterment of humankind.
The best way to develop your sixth sense is by finding an activity that makes you feel useful, valued and productive. Whether this means working for an animal shelter or making a monthly donation to your favorite charity is up to you. The important thing is to put your resources toward a cause that resonates with your spirit. The more you do this, the more perceptive you will become.
Your Neptune in Capricorn demands that your efforts are fairly compensated on a spiritual level. When they are, you're able to find ways of helping the world that are inventive, powerful and effective. Remember that you are a precious resource, because you use your sixth sense for the betterment of humankind.