

> 今朝起身心情唔好好 唉 咩都唔理 飲飽食醉先

> 今日晚餐食左好多西瓜 好多梨 好多麵包皮 errr 無錯 我昨日先講要減肥

> 我估我知道點解心情唔好 不過反正都解決唔到 由得佢 忙下忙下 食下食下 呆下呆下又一日

> 今個星期快d過啦唔該

> 不過我仲未做晒我要做的事 :(

> 去唔去旅行好

> 好大份心意 我知我會被寵壞 好啦好啦 如果係咁我寧可壞到不得了啦

> 我知我有太多無謂的堅持同埋要求太多 不過我覺得有好多事我都其實無所謂 所有餘下的堅持我都無堅持 咁做人點都要有丁點堅持先得架麻

> "認真不等於完美" 無錯無錯 我做事一向認真 不過做得唔完美咁解 :p:p

> 好似仲有好多野要(想)買 呀呀呀呀呀 點解咁耐都未搵到合心意

> 同呀媽講起大細佬真係幾夠運 使錢唔緊要 使得多都唔緊要 最緊要係自己識搵就可以

> 遅d再一次過對對睇下佢講得準唔準先
"Tuesday, Sep 6th, 2011 -- You might be disappointed in yourself if you fall short of someone's unrealistic expectations. However, you won't likely sit around long enough to take the heat for something that's beyond your control. You are too results-oriented now to waste time in self-pity or self-doubt. Figure out what went wrong, make a better plan and try again before you lose motivation."

Lenka-Blinded By Love

Lenka-Blinded By Love

I came home and nothing was right
It's been a while since a fight
Well maybe tonight

my need for love
Can crowd my sight
And I say things out of spite
Or I push you aside

I don't know how to fix it
I am falling apart
and I am breaking your heart

Help me to see
'Cause I am blinded by love blinded by love
And help me to be the one to guide us
Through the dark things we do

Now I know I can be tough sometimes
My words come out like knives
Cutting the space between us
And you try yeah I know you try
To just let things slide
But what good is that to us
Oh, oh, I don't know
I am falling apart
and I am breaking your heart

Help me to see
'Cause I am blinded by love blinded by love
And help me to be the one to guide us Through
the dark things we do

Oh, I don't know what possibly changed
We were so good, so good
And where is the light at the end of this tunnel
'Cause I am falling apart
and I am breaking your heart

Help me to see
'Cause I am blinded by love blinded by love
And help me to be the one to guide us Through
the dark things we do