Answer by Leonid S. Knyshov, CEO of a customer referrals startup, consulting product manager:
We use monospace fonts to keep code aligned.
Courier is just one of many monospace fonts. They are also called
fixed-width fonts. Consolas is the default font in Visual Studio, and
there are even better fonts for programmers.
We like fonts where:
0 cannot be confused with O
Punctuation characters like "," are bigger because they are far more important in programming than in daily use
Brackets are distinct
"1," "I," "l," and "|" cannot be confused (that is 1, i, L, and the pipe sign)
This leads to fewer bugs. Mistyping "," as "." will often break your
code and at least lead to unexpected behavior. The same is true for ":"
versus ";" and so on.
每個月最多出2個唔想出ge gathering ( attended quite a lot of gatherings indeed)
每月at least一次Breakfast Buffet [
breakfast club backfires, but I will try, btw i have achieve this target
in Jan, applause please :P ] ( will try more in 2014...)
每2個星期都做下運動 唔好浪費張gym card ( really too busy and too tired)
contact one old friend every week ( meet quite a lot of new fds, occasion gathering with old friends)
學下新野, maybe speed reading (tbc) ( can my school work counted?)