作曲:于逸堯 作詞:林夕
任我想 我最多想一覺睡去
期待你 也至少勸我別勞累
但我把 談情的氣力轉贈誰
跟你電話之中講再會 再會誰
暴雨天 我至少想講掛念你
然後你 你最多會笑著迴避
避到底 明明不筋鴗都力疲
我想哭 你可不可以暫時別要睡
陪著我 像最初相識我當時未怕累
但如果 但如果說下去
或者 傻得我 彼此怎能愛下去
暴雨中 我到底怎麼要害怕
難道你 無颱風會決定留下
但我想 如樓底這夜倒下來
我怕死 你可不可以暫時別要睡
陪著我 讓我可以不靠安眠藥進睡
但如果 但如果說下去
亦無非迫你一句話 如今跟某位同居
我的天 你可不可以暫時讓我睡
忘掉愛 尚有多少工作失眠亦有罪
但如果 但如果怨下去
或者 傻得我 通宵找誰接下去
離開 不應再打搞愛人 對不對
Happy birthday to me :P the greatest joy of the day is the sms with k.
>"being scolded by her again is the greatest gift she gives me, i have to work hard and be her line man asap! arghhh"
>>"the day will come soon, and if that's not enough, send her to me and i will bite her!"
>"haaa, just please sell her mini bonds!!" (oh I'm too bad)
>>"of coz not, every boss deserves a basket of mini bonds"
Birth Chart
read it later sin!
Your Birth Chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:
Tropical Placidus
Standard time
GMT: 12:00:00 Time Zone: -0 hours East
Planet | Deg | Sign | Min |
Sun | 7º | Virgo | 19' |
Mercury | 29º | Virgo | 29' |
Venus | 21º | Cancer | 44' |
Mars | 11º | Aries | 23' |
Jupiter | 5º | Gemini | 06' |
Saturn | 25º | Sagittarius | 55' |
Uranus | 27º | Sagittarius | 03' |
Neptune | 7º | Capricorn | 31' |
Pluto | 10º | Scorpio | 15' |
Tropical Placidus
Standard time
GMT: 12:00:00 Time Zone: -0 hours East
This chapter analyzes the relationship between the Sun and Jupiter in your chart to provide you with useful perspectives on ways you can invite luck into your life and improve your fortune.
About Sun and Jupiter: What they mean
Your Sun sign describes your purpose in life and your capacity for creativity. The Sun represents your heart, your essence and your engine, the radiant center of your self as you express it in the world. Not only is the Sun the source of light and life on planet Earth, it is also the wellspring of vitality in your horoscope. Considered the luckiest of all the planets, jovial Jupiter graces us with vision, presenting a better future and hope that we can reach it. Jupiter is larger than all the rest of the planets combined. With its 18 satellites in tow, it protects Earth from asteroids and comets by pulling them into its own enormous gravitational field. In this way, it is truly a protector to our planet and us as well. In your chart, Jupiter assists in your life journey with wisdom, perspective and opportunity. The planet of expansion, optimism and good luck, it was called the "Greater Benefic" in ancient astrology.
How You Can Find Good Fortune
Jupiter enlarges your view of the world and enables the Sun to shine its brightest, bringing the good fortune that enables you to reach your highest potential. Of your many roads to emotional prosperity, the path lit by your Sun and Jupiter could be your brightest. Here is your prescription for finding good fortune based on the signs of the Sun and Jupiter in your chart.
shan's Sun is in Virgo and Jupiter is in Gemini
In terms of your ability to manifest abundance, your mind is open to a vast field of creative possibilities. Your gift is selecting the one idea that can yield the greatest profit. When you've made that choice, you have everything you need to achieve financial success.
Even when other plans, people and information threaten to distract you, it's your ability to stay the course that makes you the fastest driver in the field. What sets you apart is that you're flexible. Instead of sticking to a rigid plan that's not working as well as you'd like, you're able to easily adapt to changing conditions. In fact, you make your best decisions when there's a sudden shift in the atmosphere.
It's this ability to change directions, strategies or tactics without losing sight of your target that enables you to generate wealth.
Even when other plans, people and information threaten to distract you, it's your ability to stay the course that makes you the fastest driver in the field. What sets you apart is that you're flexible. Instead of sticking to a rigid plan that's not working as well as you'd like, you're able to easily adapt to changing conditions. In fact, you make your best decisions when there's a sudden shift in the atmosphere.
It's this ability to change directions, strategies or tactics without losing sight of your target that enables you to generate wealth.
This chapter explores the relationship between Neptune and Mercury to provide you with insights on how you can convert psychic impressions into usable information.
About Neptune and Mercury: What they mean
Psychic Neptune is the planet of collective consciousness, the dreamlike land where limits are left behind. Neptune is a slow-moving planet that takes about 14 years to transit through just one of the 12 signs of the zodiac. It is the ruler of boundless seas, the waters that connect all things, real and imagined, the planet without limits. Since it is the planet of dissolving boundaries or barriers, it can describe ways in which we connect to collective consciousness and gain access to information beyond our own direct experience, much like a psychic would.Objective Mercury provides us with the detachment needed to see something as it truly is rather than as we'd like it to be. Mercury, the messenger planet, zips around the Sun. It is the closest consort of our great central star, its intellectual intermediary. With its narrow lens, it focuses on small details and pertinent facts, helping us categorize information in sensible, straightforward ways that facilitate future reference.
How to Develop Your Intuition and Psychic Abilities
The relationship between Mercury and Neptune in your chart describes how you handle the relationship between fact and fantasy. Intuitive and psychic abilities come from connecting the two so that information from the collective unconscious (Neptune) can be reported and applied (Mercury) back here on Earth. Here's what the combination of Mercury and Neptune in your birth chart suggests for enhancing your intuition and psychic abilities.
shan's Neptune is in Capricorn and Mercury is in Virgo
You are most intuitive when you're engaged in work or service. Directing your energy toward worthy causes helps you glean information that can't be perceived by the naked eye. Conversely, when you're doing work out of a sense of obligation, you miss valuable clues that can make life more pleasurable.
The best way to develop your sixth sense is by finding an activity that makes you feel useful, valued and productive. Whether this means working for an animal shelter or making a monthly donation to your favorite charity is up to you. The important thing is to put your resources toward a cause that resonates with your spirit. The more you do this, the more perceptive you will become.
Your Neptune in Capricorn demands that your efforts are fairly compensated on a spiritual level. When they are, you're able to find ways of helping the world that are inventive, powerful and effective. Remember that you are a precious resource, because you use your sixth sense for the betterment of humankind.
The best way to develop your sixth sense is by finding an activity that makes you feel useful, valued and productive. Whether this means working for an animal shelter or making a monthly donation to your favorite charity is up to you. The important thing is to put your resources toward a cause that resonates with your spirit. The more you do this, the more perceptive you will become.
Your Neptune in Capricorn demands that your efforts are fairly compensated on a spiritual level. When they are, you're able to find ways of helping the world that are inventive, powerful and effective. Remember that you are a precious resource, because you use your sixth sense for the betterment of humankind.
>I just wonder whether that long mail would matter anymore, since the day you decided to hurt her ruthlessly, it's expected that there is no way to return. The relationship can never be amended by the other, especially an complete outsider, who doesn't really matter now (not even several years ago). Plus, i'm not going to be the messenger.And apology not accepted, as you never owe me anything.
>I am too impulsive, shouldn't be like that again, and one more week to go!
>good good good, you always deserve a better one :)
>thanks for remembering it, the card means a lot to me.
>it would be the very last one, i just know it
>super accurate, let's check for a few more days!
>"Detach yourself from the tired patterns of past situations by putting physical and emotional distance between yourself and the old competitive, conflicting agendas. Start anew by releasing old world views. Let your mind turn the corner, and you may find fresh circumstances waiting there."
>I am too impulsive, shouldn't be like that again, and one more week to go!
>good good good, you always deserve a better one :)
>thanks for remembering it, the card means a lot to me.
>it would be the very last one, i just know it
>super accurate, let's check for a few more days!
>"Detach yourself from the tired patterns of past situations by putting physical and emotional distance between yourself and the old competitive, conflicting agendas. Start anew by releasing old world views. Let your mind turn the corner, and you may find fresh circumstances waiting there."
Hills Like White Elephants
The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun. Close against the side of the station there was the warm shadow of the building and a curtain, made of strings of bamboo beads, hung across the open door into the bar, to keep out flies. The American and the girl with him sat at a table in the shade, outside the building. It was very hot and the express from Barcelona would come in forty minutes. It stopped at this junction for two minutes and went to Madrid.
‘What should we drink?’ the girl asked. She had taken off her hat and put it on the table.
‘It’s pretty hot,’ the man said.
‘Let’s drink beer.’
‘Dos cervezas,’ the man said into the curtain.
‘Big ones?’ a woman asked from the doorway.
‘Yes. Two big ones.’
The woman brought two glasses of beer and two felt pads. She put the felt pads and the beer glass on the table and looked at the man and the girl. The girl was looking off at the line of hills. They were white in the sun and the country was brown and dry.
‘They look like white elephants,’ she said.
‘I’ve never seen one,’ the man drank his beer.
‘No, you wouldn’t have.’
‘I might have,’ the man said. ‘Just because you say I wouldn’t have doesn’t prove anything.’
The girl looked at the bead curtain. ‘They’ve painted something on it,’ she said. ‘What does it say?’
‘Anis del Toro. It’s a drink.’
‘Could we try it?’
The man called ‘Listen’ through the curtain. The woman came out from the bar.
‘Four reales.’ ‘We want two Anis del Toro.’
‘With water?’
‘Do you want it with water?’
‘I don’t know,’ the girl said. ‘Is it good with water?’
‘It’s all right.’
‘You want them with water?’ asked the woman.
‘Yes, with water.’
‘It tastes like liquorice,’ the girl said and put the glass down.
‘That’s the way with everything.’
‘Yes,’ said the girl. ‘Everything tastes of liquorice. Especially all the things you’ve waited so long for, like absinthe.’
‘Oh, cut it out.’
‘You started it,’ the girl said. ‘I was being amused. I was having a fine time.’
‘Well, let’s try and have a fine time.’
‘All right. I was trying. I said the mountains looked like white elephants. Wasn’t that bright?’
‘That was bright.’
‘I wanted to try this new drink. That’s all we do, isn’t it – look at things and try new drinks?’
‘I guess so.’
The girl looked across at the hills.
‘They’re lovely hills,’ she said. ‘They don’t really look like white elephants. I just meant the colouring of their skin through the trees.’
‘Should we have another drink?’
‘All right.’
The warm wind blew the bead curtain against the table.
‘The beer’s nice and cool,’ the man said.
‘It’s lovely,’ the girl said.
‘It’s really an awfully simple operation, Jig,’ the man said. ‘It’s not really an operation at all.’
The girl looked at the ground the table legs rested on.
‘I know you wouldn’t mind it, Jig. It’s really not anything. It’s just to let the air in.’
The girl did not say anything.
‘I’ll go with you and I’ll stay with you all the time. They just let the air in and then it’s all perfectly natural.’
‘Then what will we do afterwards?’
‘We’ll be fine afterwards. Just like we were before.’
‘What makes you think so?’
‘That’s the only thing that bothers us. It’s the only thing that’s made us unhappy.’
The girl looked at the bead curtain, put her hand out and took hold of two of the strings of beads.
‘And you think then we’ll be all right and be happy.’
‘I know we will. Yon don’t have to be afraid. I’ve known lots of people that have done it.’
‘So have I,’ said the girl. ‘And afterwards they were all so happy.’
‘Well,’ the man said, ‘if you don’t want to you don’t have to. I wouldn’t have you do it if you didn’t want to. But I know it’s perfectly simple.’
‘And you really want to?’
‘I think it’s the best thing to do. But I don’t want you to do it if you don’t really want to.’
‘And if I do it you’ll be happy and things will be like they were and you’ll love me?’
‘I love you now. You know I love you.’
‘I know. But if I do it, then it will be nice again if I say things are like white elephants, and you’ll like it?’
‘I’ll love it. I love it now but I just can’t think about it. You know how I get when I worry.’
‘If I do it you won’t ever worry?’
‘I won’t worry about that because it’s perfectly simple.’
‘Then I’ll do it. Because I don’t care about me.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I don’t care about me.’
‘Well, I care about you.’
‘Oh, yes. But I don’t care about me. And I’ll do it and then everything will be fine.’
‘I don’t want you to do it if you feel that way.’
The girl stood up and walked to the end of the station. Across, on the other side, were fields of grain and trees along the banks of the Ebro. Far away, beyond the river, were mountains. The shadow of a cloud moved across the field of grain and she saw the river through the trees.
‘And we could have all this,’ she said. ‘And we could have everything and every day we make it more impossible.’
‘What did you say?’
‘I said we could have everything.’
‘We can have everything.’
‘No, we can’t.’
‘We can have the whole world.’
‘No, we can’t.’
‘We can go everywhere.’
‘No, we can’t. It isn’t ours any more.’
‘It’s ours.’
‘No, it isn’t. And once they take it away, you never get it back.’
‘But they haven’t taken it away.’
‘We’ll wait and see.’
‘Come on back in the shade,’ he said. ‘You mustn’t feel that way.’
‘I don’t feel any way,’ the girl said. ‘I just know things.’
‘I don’t want you to do anything that you don’t want to do -’
‘Nor that isn’t good for me,’ she said. ‘I know. Could we have another beer?’
‘All right. But you’ve got to realize – ‘
‘I realize,’ the girl said. ‘Can’t we maybe stop talking?’
They sat down at the table and the girl looked across at the hills on the dry side of the valley and the man looked at her and at the table.
‘You’ve got to realize,’ he said, ‘ that I don’t want you to do it if you don’t want to. I’m perfectly willing to go through with it if it means anything to you.’
‘Doesn’t it mean anything to you? We could get along.’
‘Of course it does. But I don’t want anybody but you. I don’t want anyone else. And I know it’s perfectly simple.’
‘Yes, you know it’s perfectly simple.’
‘It’s all right for you to say that, but I do know it.’
‘Would you do something for me now?’
‘I’d do anything for you.’
‘Would you please please please please please please please stop talking?’
He did not say anything but looked at the bags against the wall of the station. There were labels on them from all the hotels where they had spent nights.
‘But I don’t want you to,’ he said, ‘I don’t care anything about it.’
‘I’ll scream,’ the girl siad.
The woman came out through the curtains with two glasses of beer and put them down on the damp felt pads. ‘The train comes in five minutes,’ she said.
‘What did she say?’ asked the girl.
‘That the train is coming in five minutes.’
The girl smiled brightly at the woman, to thank her.
‘I’d better take the bags over to the other side of the station,’ the man said. She smiled at him.
‘All right. Then come back and we’ll finish the beer.’
He picked up the two heavy bags and carried them around the station to the other tracks. He looked up the tracks but could not see the train. Coming back, he walked through the bar-room, where people waiting for the train were drinking. He drank an Anis at the bar and looked at the people. They were all waiting reasonably for the train. He went out through the bead curtain. She was sitting at the table and smiled at him.
‘Do you feel better?’ he asked.
‘I feel fine,’ she said. ‘There’s nothing wrong with me. I feel fine.’
A happy beginning of a tough day
A happy ending of a tough day
things would be better tomorrow :):)
(A) Quote(s) a day
"Don't try to understand everything, because sometimes it's not meant to be understood, but rather to be accepted."
Timeless Wisdom
All-TIME 100 Greatest Toys
All-TIME 100 Greatest Toys
TIME reporter Allie Townsend picks the 100 most influential toys from 1923 to the present
Full List
- Stuffed Mickey Mouse
- Finger Paint
- Sock Monkey
- Buck Rogers Rocket Pistol
- Microscope Set
- Beach Ball
- Red Ryder BB Gun
- Army Men
- View-Master
- Water Balloon
- Silly Putty
- Fisher-Price Little People
- Colorforms
- Paint-by-Numbers Kit
- Mr. Potato Head
- Wiffle Ball
- Matchbox Car
- PEZ Dispenser
- Gumby
- Play-Doh
- Tonka Truck
- Frisbee
- Corn Popper
- Two-Handed Pogo Stick
- Hula Hoop
- Barbie
- Troll Doll
- Plarail Toy Train
- Chatty Cathy
- Fake Vomit
- Etch A Sketch
- Rock-a-Stack
- Ken
- Slip 'n Slide
- Chatter Telephone
- G.I. Joe
- Easy-Bake Oven
- Creepy Crawlers
- Rock'em Sock'em Robots
- Johnny Seven O.M.A.
- See 'n Say
- SuperBall
- Barrel of Monkeys
- Radio-Controlled Car
- Lite-Brite
- Hot Wheels
- Playmobil
- Flatsy Doll
- Barbie's Dream House
- NERF Ball
- Weebles
- Paddington Bear
- Baby Alive
- Shrinky Dinks
- Magna Doodle
- Rubik's Cube
- Stretch Armstrong
- Star Wars Action Figure
- Mattel Classic Football
- Simon
- Speak & Spell
- Star Trek Electronic Phasers
- Cabbage Patch Kids
- Polly Pocket
- Slap Bracelet
- Masters of the Universe Action Figure
- Glo Worm
- Care Bear
- My Little Pony
- Transformers
- Teddy Ruxpin
- Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine
- Pound Puppy
- Koosh Ball
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Skip-It
- Glow Stick
- Wrestling Buddy
- Little Tikes Log Cabin
- Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Car
- Super Soaker
- Beanie Baby
- Buzz Lightyear
- American Girl Doll
- Tickle Me Elmo
- Furby
- Neodymium-Magnet Toy
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